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Exhibition Highlights

Master of Change: Images of Hermes Trismegistus (6 January-31 July)

The current exhibition in The Ritman Library focuses on the iconography that has developed around Hermes Trismegistus. The exhibition highlights the ‘Egyptian Hermes’ Thoth, the Greek Hermes, and the combination of these two as Hermes Trismegistus, along with some of the attributes that can be associated with this Master of Change, such as the armillary sphere, the Tabula smaragdina, the ouroboros and the caduceus.

43 Hermes with double caduceus, oil on panel, Germany, after 1618

On this panel painting are reproduced emblems 25-27 from Michael Maier’s Atalanta Fugiens. The engravings were also used for Maier’s Tripus aureus, a work which also included Basilius Valentinus’ Twelve Keys and obviously inspired this panel. This detail shows Hermes presiding above the three emblems with the double caduceus (see the previous items 41-42).…/exhibition-master-of-change…/
#hermes #caduceus #asclepius
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